- Culture
- 29 Jun 05
A lot like When Harry Met Sally might be more apt. This cute 'romance-deferral' comedy sees a puppyish Aston Kutcher and Amanda Peet’s goth-lite heroine in a familiar genre groove. They meet, hit it off, fail to get together and then, after a bloody age – or 107 minutes to be precise – they do.
A lot like When Harry Met Sally might be more apt. This cute 'romance-deferral' comedy sees a puppyish Aston Kutcher and Amanda Peet’s goth-lite heroine in a familiar genre groove. They meet, hit it off, fail to get together and then, after a bloody age – or 107 minutes to be precise – they do. He’s conventionally ambitious and wants to get his “ducks in a row”. She’s a kooky coffee-shop boho who drags him into an aeroplane bathroom and has her wicked way. It’s hot. Then it’s cold. And so on. Still, if A Lot Like Love does little to embellish the boy meets girl formula, it’s a far, far better thing than we might reasonably have expected from Mr. Kutcher. The Friends-worthy dialogue and a slacker sensibility – wooing with spit balls, anyone? – give the enterprise a genial indie sheen, (ah faux-indie – aren’t they all these days?) while the bimbotic principles are engaging if far from smouldering. Hepburn and Tracy‘s reputation survives intact.
Running Time 107mins. Cert 12A. Opens June 24th.