- Culture
- 24 Mar 11
Learn how to make a Dwayne Johnson movie in five simple steps!
At one point in Faster, Billy Bob Thornton casually flicks through a Cosmo-style magazine, landing on an article providing men with five steps to satisfying women. Moved by the undoubtedly inspired insights usually provided by deeply analytical thought-pieces of that kind, he rings up his estranged wife, proudly declaring: “I got you figured out!” Well if it’s good enough for Billy Bob, it’s good enough for us, so allow me to present:
Five Steps To Satisfying Faster’s Audience.
Step One: Keep it Simple. Why give your characters names when their occupation will do? So revenge-seeking getaway driver Dwayne Johnson is ‘Driver’, Billy Bob Thornton is ‘Cop’ and hitman Oliver Jackson-Cohen is ‘Prettyboy’. Oh sorry, he’s ‘Killer’. Just to further clarify this complex labelling system, have title cards with their names flash up when they come on screen.
Step Two: Communication is Crucial. Want to portray Hitman as an intimidating blend of intelligence, spirituality, and physical perfection? Forget long conversations or exposition, just have him utter phrases like “I beat yoga.” Is Cop a cynical officer on his last legs? Have him repeat that this is his “one last job.” Want to portray Driver as a silent killing machine? Sometimes guns speak louder than words.
Step Three: Make time for Special Moments. In all relationships, even ones lasting only 97 minutes, inertia invariably sets in. Now, you could try being exciting and funny and interesting all the time, but let’s face it, that takes effort. Better instead to only occasionally punctuate the boredom with backwards car chases. Because excitement is heightened when doled out sparingly.
Step Four: Always think. “What Would Jesus Do?” Just in case Johnson decides to run alongside Sarah Palin one day, throw in a preacher whose moralising – sorry, moving – sermons inspire Driver. Oh, and though he’s a ruthless revenge-seeking killer, keep the blood to a minimum. God bless.
Step Five: Dwayne Johnson. ‘Nuff said.