- Culture
- 11 Jan 18
Here's the highlights from Pornhub’s annual press release. Aka, the "we've been collecting data every time you bang one out" report.
Pornhub have unveiled their fifth Year in Review, so we can all ashamedly learn about ourselves, others and humanity as a whole. Here's the infographics below.
Top Pornstar Searches
Somewhat disillusioning for full time pornstars, Kim Kardashian still holds top spot in the search list. To recall, it was Kim K's one-time sex tape with rapper ex, Ray Jay, that saw her embroiled in the inevitable scandal and subsequent rise to fame.
A Very Fetishist Search That Epitomises Everything 2017
After Rick and Morty brought McDonald's discontinued szechuan sauce from 1998 back to the fore, statistics suggest that fans were keen to produce their own special Rick and Morty condiment for Pornhub. Take that, with the kink of sexually entangling with a fidget spinner - and you have yourself a very 2017 indeed.
Most Searched Genres, Not a Great Year for Big Tits
Great turn out for step mothers, step sisters and mothers in general. Keep it in the family, as the non-incognito browsers would show.
Top 20 Countries by Traffic - Ireland Not The Horniest Nation
2017 saw Ethiopia cuming up trumps with the biggest rise in Porn viewership. Though Ireland didn't make the cut, we're wedged between the top two countries that did.
I suppose the main point to take home, is that every single technology-assisted masturbation session you did last year was logged and charted by a computer and stored as data. But don't let that ruin your next tickle or tug.