- Culture
- 22 Oct 01
Running – appropriately enough – from the 26th to 29th of October in Dublin's IFC, the Horrorthon weekend is without doubt the ultimate word in non-stop guts and gore. The gruesome endurance test gets underway on the night of Friday 26th in IFC Screen One with a preview of John Carpenter's Ghosts Of Mars, a sci-fi/horror hybrid set 175 years into the future. Horrorthon highlights are as follows:
FRIDAY 26th, 8.40, IFC 1: John Carpenter’s Ghosts of Mars – Action-packed science fiction horror involving a tomb of ancient Martian warriors whose spirits begin to possess the bodies of some unwise humans who have disturbed said tomb.
SATURDAY 27th, 1pm, IFC 1: The House By The Cemetery – Italian offering, very, very extreme in the extreme, to say the least. Strictly for the sick and the seriously disturbed.
2.45pm, IFC 1: The Changeling – Surprisingly subtle offering in which George C. Scott’s lonely composer is haunted by the spirit of a small boy. A quiet, intimate atmosphere prevails.
5pm, IFC 1: The Twilight Hour – Visions of Ireland’s Haunted Past is an imaginative documentary which studies some documented cases of hauntings. Narrated by John Hurt.
6.20pm, IFC 1: Ed Gein – Excellent, grimly compelling account of the legendary Wisconsin serial killer whose life story has already provided fulsome source material for films from Psycho to Deranged.
8.15pm, IFC 1: Faust: Love Of The Damned comes courtesy of Society director Brian Yuzna, who will be answering questions after the screening.
SUNDAY 28th, 4.30pm, IFC 1: Arachnid – Highly efficient spider scare movie, combining elements of Jurassic Park and Alien.
6.15pm, IFC 1: Surprise Film
8.15pm, IFC 1: Sleepless – Tense thriller from Italian horror maestro Dario Argento, structured around clever visual and aural clues to the identity of a twisted assassin who uses a dark nursery rhyme as a murder blueprint.
MONDAY 29th, 5.50pm, IFC 1: The Wicker Man – Cult favourite in which Edward Woodward’s devout Protestant policeman travels to a Scottish island to investigate a young girl’s disappearance.
7.50pm, IFC 1: The Thing – Special 70mm screening, which will be accompanied by Richard Journo’s new documentary on the film’s director John Carpenter.