- Culture
- 25 Oct 17
The Senator, who has been outspoken about her views that Ireland needs to repeal the 8th Amendment, has shared a threatening letter that she got from a member of the public.
The letter makes several blatant sexist and condescending remarks - referring to the Senator's so-called "bitching", and using the term "sweat heart" - before making threats against the Senator and her family ("I have my eyes on you and yours"/"remember Lyne deny me before men or women and you will know what trouble is and my advice to you is to keep your mouth shut and pray to God its not to late for your soul to be redeemed").
Read the Facebook post in full below:
So here's a man who wants to tell me off, threaten me and my kids (i've got my eye on youu and yours) but doesn't want me to reply. Typical.
Dear Ms Ruane
I refer to your moaning, bitching and whining with regards to a package you received about the 8th amendment.
May I say there is nothing more refreshing than sitting back and watching a woman such as yourself defy God with all your might and strength and then moan when the truth is given to you. Its like watching a criminal do the crime then moan when caught by the gardai.
If you want to deny God and his laws you will suffer his wrath sweet heart and no amount of moaning will change that,
Now ms Ruane a woman like you needs another dose of the truth so here it is, attached is a sworn affidavit in the manner Clarke V Ian ODoherty, INM, Independent NEwspapers. within said affidavit I would refer you to point : 76 and when you read it Ms Ruane, Excommunication is the least of your worries sweetheart and I have my eyes on you and yours. You Ms Ruane are just another loud mouthed Godless person that represents the new Mna na Heireann. You set a wonderful example to your child and the children of Ireland. I sometimes wonder would the women of Ireland whom gave birth to this new generation of abortion lovers such as your mother would have considered an abortion if they knew that their child would support abortion.
Why dont you take a picture of point 76 of the attached affidavit and put it on twitter? or the attached Garda statement? and remember Lyne deny me before men or women and you will know what trouble is and my advice to you is to keep your mouth shut and pray to God its not to late for your soul to be redeemed. Now instead of you all repealing the 8th, dont you think your time at tax payers expense would be better spent reclaiming the corrib project for the people of Ireland and greater good of our country?
And word of warning, during the second coming, it doesnt matter if your pro or anti a second coming, its gonna happen anyway and no amount of bitching and whining to the media will change that Ms Ruane.
You disgust me ms ruane, someone sends you a package with a view to saving your lost Godless soul and you moan and whine and whinge.
If my mother went around calling for legalising abortion Id wonder did she wish it was legal when she was pregnant with me and id see her in a differant light and be thankful it wasnt and thats the message all you send out to your kids and kids across Ireland. In my opinion ms Ruane whilst your Mother would have been committing a grave sin against God if she had an abortion when pregnant with you, but she also would have been doing Ireland a big favour.
Dont reply to me either ms Ruane cause your wasting your and my time.
" be on your guard, for you do not know the day nor the hour"
Father James Clarke
High Priest Divine Order of MElchizedek