- Culture
- 08 Jun 16
Xbox One (Bethesda)
Hard to believe, but Doom is 23 years old. When it launched in 1993, the game spawned an entire genre of 3D shooters and enraged moral crusaders. The game stuck around like a bad sore, though, and this resurrection is its best move in years.
Once again, you play a lone soldier stuck on Mars, where the gates of hell have opened up, spewing angry imps that shoot fireballs, possessed soldiers, and obese splatter creatures. Sprint around space station corridors and outside onto the Red Planet, with an expanding line-up of weaponry that includes a chainsaw, shotgun, plasma rifle, and the infamous BFG.
Aside from looking for key cards to unlock areas, brain requirement borders on zero. Instead, hop about at hyper speeds, disposing of monsters in increasingly gory ways. This version spices it up with weapon upgrades and challenges. Doom remains good, unclean fun.