- Music
- 16 Sep 15
A feminist sketch for Funny Or Die...
Hip-hop artist and model Amber Rose has never shied away from making bold, feminist statements - like her recent outfit at the VMAs, which was emblazoned with gendered slurs like "slut", "bitch" and "golddigger" to highlight the constant abuse that she, and many women, face.
Now Rose has taken her stance against slut-shaming a cheeky step further, making a great video with Funny Or Die, showing her "Walk of No Shame." Heels in hand, tight club dress riding up, Rose sneaks out of the house of a one-night stand and begins to walk home – only to be congratulated and saluted by the milkman, truck-drivers, even the mayor. Passing a group of construction workers, there's no catcalling or sleazy remarks, merely one worker telling Rose: “I respect that you enjoyed yourself last night. I think we can all agree: having sex is fun!”
Well played, Rose. Well played.