- Music
- 27 Sep 02
A solid night's entertainment
The Irish people’s usually unwavering support for good causes certainly isn’t in evidence tonight, with this ranking among the most poorly attended gigs I’ve ever been to.
Which is a shame, because there are some real musical treats on view. Oz get things underway, delivering a brisk set of skewed pop, with ‘Supermodels And Champagne Bars’ being a stand out. Fellow local acts Polar and Otranome offer equally impressive performances, the former favouring epic song structures and emotionally charged lyrics, the latter deploying several short, sharp punk gems.
Phantom FM favourites Blotooth, meanwhile, round off the evening with a suitably elegant take on their patented acoustic rock sound. A solid night’s entertainment, then. When the developed world is really going to get its act together and decide how best to help decimated countries like Afghanistan, though, is another matter entirely.