- Music
- 26 May 03
To those in the know, The Redneck Manifesto are an omnipresent powerhouse within the DIY Irish music scene.
To those in the know, The Redneck Manifesto are an omnipresent powerhouse within the DIY Irish music scene – a milieu that has, sometimes unjustifiably, been described as the ‘scene that celebrates itself’.
Dedicated followers of Dublin obscuria will already be familiar with man- about-town Ritchie Egan’s appearances under the Jape moniker, at Wonky, and will no doubt have been eagerly awaiting this release. Fortunately, Egan has managed to shrug off any inhibitions this might have imposed to deliver an album that truly shows his versatility as an artist.
The music seems to encapsulate the spirit of various other Dublin acts: ‘Cosmosphere’ is a delightful fusion of electronic trickery and acoustic esoterica of a kind already familiar to those who know The Connect Four Orchestra. ‘Haunt Me’ manages to capture the understated charm of David Kitt’s songwriting. This influence isn’t surprising, given that Egan has been part of Kittser’s live band for some time. In places, Egan’s voice has a bed-headed sweetness and simplicity that is wholly endearing.
Any fear that this album would appeal purely to the illuminati of the local scene proves misplaced: Cosmosphere is a mixed bag that will appeal to those standing outside the velvet rope as well.