- Music
- 04 Sep 12
Dan Le Sac takes a fascinating solo whirl
Best known as a musical partner in crime to the rhyme-spitting Scroobius Pip, we’re greeted here by Dan Le Sac in solo guise. In what he calls his “creative reinvigoration”, Dan embraces everything from electro pop to psychedelia. And the results are never less than fascinating.
The brilliant ‘Tuning’ featuring Joshua Idehen is smart and zingy, and probably the track that most resembles Dan’s previous work with Pip. But there’s plenty of variety on display. ‘Hold Yourself Lightly’ is an atmospheric instrumental, with intense drum beats; ‘Break Of Dawn’, a great dance tune, features striking vocals from HowAboutBeth; and for ‘Caretaker’, a solid hip hop tune, Dan teams up with B Dolan.
The grainy, urban ‘Long Night Of Life’ is rich with over-lapping synths and bass; the poptastic ‘Play Along’ which nods to both Lily Allen and Destiny’s Child; ‘Memorial’ with Emmy The Great is seductive and sexy; and ‘Reprisals’ is a short burst of brilliant upbeat electric guitar riffs, that leaves you wanting more.
As it should be. Written, produced and with vocals from the man himself, Space Between The Words is a very likeable record indeed. Over to you, Mr. Pip...