- Music
- 01 Jun 10
The Irish counter-culture film director Dearbhla Glynn has been nominated for an ICCL Human Rights Film Award 2010 for her short documentary, Gaza: Post Operation Cast Lead
Glynn travelled to Gaza last year with the Galway sean nós singer and Palestine Civil Rights activist Treasa Ni Cheannabhain and wrote a remarkable piece for Hot Press which recounted the difficulties she experienced gaining admission to the area, which is held under permanent siege by the Israeli military, as well as describing the appalling conditions in which citizens of Gaza are forced to live and interviewing local people.
She brought her documentary camera with her and filmed scenes in Gaza, talking to people about the devastating effect of Israeli aggression in the region. She also interviewed Caoimhe Butterly the well known Irish human rights activist and John Ging of the United Nations, and these elements have been woven together into a powerful and moving 8-minute documentary, which also features the haunting music of Kila.
The film has acquired further immediacy, in the wake of the murderous assault by Israeli military on the Freedom Ships taking building materials and other aid to Gaza on Monday, which has resulted in a least 15 fatalities. There is currently a thread on the issue on the hotpress.com message boards.
Gaza: Post Operation Cast Lead from ICCL Human Rights Film Awards on Vimeo.
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To read Dearbhla's Hot Press piece, click here