- Music
- 02 Sep 03
What sets Focus apart from the rest of the DIY set is its unashamed nod to classic pop hooks and celebration of melody.
When not on tour with BellX 1 or drumming with Settler, Tim Donovan moonlights as the best one man electro pop freak show in the land that answers to the name Neosupervital.
Focus is the second mini-album to contain Donovan’s sharp and sussed electronic gems, following up his delightful debut collection Use What You Got. And this one is miles better, much more assured and far better crafted.
What sets Focus apart from the rest of the DIY set is its unashamed nod to classic pop hooks and celebration of melody. It’s never too cool for school and underpinned by a fantastic sense of humour. Take the opening line of the first track ‘Alt.day’ as a cue; “Do these glasses / Make me look cool?” croons Donovan in his best showman voice. “Do they hide the fact that I’ve nothing to say?” he continues. “And what I say I don’t mean.” A warm electronic wash envelopes the tune, drifting off into moody pop nirvana.
And as for instrumental bliss? You got it. ‘Gold Helicopter’ is as strong a tune I’ve heard all year. A meaty synth melody oozes along as a choppy little backbeat underscores these five and half luxurious minutes. Thought that electronica can be too weird, wanky and up its own arse for its own good? Then check this out as a matter of great urgency. What’s more, the video track is ultra-mega brill to boot. Can we invent a category for mini-LP of the year please?