- Music
- 20 Mar 01
No matter how many spoken word tours or books Henry Rollins does, he always predictably returns to what he did first - making fast and furious rock music that injects a little food for thought into dumb rock cliches.
No matter how many spoken word tours or books Henry Rollins does, he always predictably returns to what he did first - making fast and furious rock music that injects a little food for thought into dumb rock cliches.
Get Some Go Again sees Rollins team up with Californian punk outfit Mother Superior. Hence, this pop punk party is choc-a-bloc with neat riffs and tidy bass lines. As ever, Henry's invective is highly effective. He's toned it down a wee bit, but not too much, as the riff-laden exhortations of 'Change It Up' and Stoogesque 'I Go Day Glo' prove.
The lyrical content traverses the same predictable territory - preachy self-discipline and loud celebrations of individulity. 'Are You Ready' and 'Illuminator' are cases in point that actually sound superb, but cuts like 'On The Day' and 'You Let Yourself Down' are little more than shouty dirges that get excrutiatingly grating as they wear on.
For the most part, Get Some Go Again peddles the same brand of self-awareness that he's been advertising since Black Flag. Sure, it has its moments, but its mystifying that a man who so openly rhapsodises about jazz, blues and soul in public doesn't add a little tonal variety to his own music. Still, you have to admit that it might be good to work out to.