- Music
- 19 Oct 11
With Steve Jobs transported to the afterlife, Native Instruments have launched a new music-making app for the iPhone, the iMaschine, and they’ve recruited electro-soul whiz kid Jamie Lidell to show it who’s boss. Two new videos on [link]www.jamielidell.com[/link] follow the honey-voiced Brit as he rummages around his basement making samples out of washing machines and cans of WD-40, and using the app to make a song from the comfort of his candy-striped bed. He’s also recorded a version of ‘Gypsy Blood’, a track from his ass-kicking fourth record Compass on the iMacshine, which you can download for free on the site. If, after all this, you’re sold on the gismo, you can also nab a special free sound sample pack for it, encompassing 16 of the clangs and hisses Lidell found in his cellar. Overachiever ain’t the word.