- Music
- 04 May 11
Hark! With its instantly penetrating 'Ju-da, Ju-da-ah-ah' refrain, it is written that Lady Gaga's 'Judas' will burrow a hole in thy skull and swim about in thy cerebrospinal fluid til the yuletide. For this alone, I suppose the world's most celebrated Stefani deserves a hearty pat on the back, but one catchy hook can't hide that she's clinging to the original Gaga prototype for dear life. 'Judas' is Gaga By Numbers, and while lines like "Love is like a brick. You can build a house, or you can sink a dead body" bring a bit of lyrical gravitas to the pop extravaganza, I'm expecting something a lot more enterprising from the remaining 13 tracks on Born This Way.