- Music
- 18 Aug 24
With welcoming balladry and tangible warmth, Amble ushered in a sizeable crowd - yet never lost sight of their intimate artistry.
Folky songsters Amble, delivered heartwarming set at the Electric Picnic's second largest stage- and pulled an impressive crowd while at it.
Frontman Robbie Cunningham was unable to fulfil guitar strumming duties, as a result of a recent wrist injury- however he more than compensated with transcendent vocal performances.
Reflecting on how far the Midlands/West of Ireland trio has come since their inception, Cunningham pointed out how up until a few months ago, two of the band were working full-time as teachers, and one was working in Pfizer.

Cunningham said that when asked if he ever missed the teaching gig, his answer is "Absofuckinglutely not".
A choice cover was played early on in Amble's set of 'Jersey Giants', which was received joyous warmth.
Letting the enormous Electric Arena crowd in on an exclusive, a new tack was debuted in the form of 'Little White Chapel' which is slated fro release in 3 weeks time.
The emotional high points of the set, came about with the performances of the group's biggest hits 'Mary's Pub' and 'Land and Sea'.
Both tracks proved to be intimate yet universal, resulting in heartfelt side swaying.

'Mariner Boy' was met with similarly delighted shrieks, and proved to be the biggest hit of the night. It was at this point that Cunningham said "You'e a fucking great crowd I've got to say".
The slew of adoring fans were described by the frontman as a "pinch me moment".
While there is no justice in who gains traction as a musical artist, you can't help but feel looking at the beaming acoustic trio that we made the right decision, we picked a good one this time.