- Music
- 13 Mar 25
Paddy Keyes discusses his brilliant debut EP, Over & Over.
Can you describe your songwriting process?
I’m always writing about personal experiences. A lot of the time, I would exaggerate them just to tell a better story, but there’s a lot of truth in it as well. I usually start with the music first, and then blow things out and see what happens. That’s usually how I get a theme to write about.
Is it ever challenging or uncomfortable to be so candid?
One of my favourite songs on the EP is called ‘Holding My Breath’. It’s essentially about my friend cheating on their partner, and me not knowing whether to stay loyal to my friend, or just say something. That was a bit weird. When my friends found out, they were asking lots of questions.
Which song off your EP was the most challenging to create?
There’s a very high note in ‘Take It’, and the amount of takes I needed to get it – oh my God. Keith, my producer, was ready to kill me, because we couldn’t re-record it – we couldn’t change the key! That was a bit of a disaster, but we got it eventually.
Do you have plans to tour?
Absolutely, yes. We’re gathering a few more gigs for springtime, and locking in a few festival days for the summer. Then I’ll have Dublin and London shows to be announced at the end of the year. I’m really excited about that.
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
I’d like to look back and say I played one of the biggest stages in the world. That would be the dream – to play a Croke Park or a 3Arena. That would be insane!
• Over & Over is out now.