- Music
- 14 Oct 03
I don’t necessarily think Frank should play more or less Pixies numbers, even though that’s exactly what his audience want.
It might be understandable, but you’ve got to admit its pretty sad. Poor Charles Thompson wants to exorcise the recent trauma of splitting up with his wife of 16 years and all most people want to hear about is slicing
up eyeballs.
The umpteenth Frank Black album is exactly what it says on the tin - Show Me Your Tears. Black has even likened each of the tracks to 13 big lonesome and salty tears. The Catholics are in a suitable bar blues band mode and it sounds great, almost like what the former Pixies man would sound like if he fronted the E Street Band for a night. Songs like ‘Everything Is New’ are brilliant, but it’s not good enough for most people as the frequent shouts of “Pixies!” prove.
Once the opening chords of ‘Velouria’ growl into action half the hall seems to wake up. It’s a magnificent version, that segues into ‘Caribou’ much to the delight of everyone. ‘Massif Centrale’, the centrepiece of his divorce and therapy scarred current album follows and it’s one of the night’s best moments. There is a palpable sense of “hey, this guy’s new stuff rocks” in the room. Unfortunately, straight after it Frank hangs up the guitar. It’s only a quarter past ten and the crowd are just about getting into it. A very brief encore segment follows including a terrific ‘Where Is My Mind?’ Come 10.30 the houselights are on and legions of disappointed punters file out the door.
I don’t necessarily think Frank should play more or less Pixies numbers, even though that’s exactly what his audience want. But a full set list would be nice and it’s not as if he is stuck for material.