- Music
- 20 Mar 01
EAMON SWEENEY meets SNOW PATROL who are fast rising to stardom
October and November were two unbelievable months for Snow Patrol. A very short time ago they were an acclaimed, but mostly unknown, act residing on Belle and Sebastian's Jeepster label. Last October, they were surprise winners of the Hot Press/Heineken Phil Lynnott Award for Best New Irish Band, prompting at least one or two "who the fuck are Snow Patrol?" exclamations. A fortnight ago, they were invited to support The Charlatans in Vicar Street at the post-MTV Awards bash. This was not just another glitzy gig, but an exclusive filmed for worldwide broadcast. It's a nice leg-up for the Northern-born and Scottish-based noiseniks who have a very chance of graduating to next year's models.
Mark and Gary are sitting in the Vicar Street bar post-soundcheck, completely knackered from landing in straight from Germany, but alive, awake and kind enough to have a few words while swooning over new Bond Girl Denise Richards live and gorgeous on the big screen from the Point.
"Ah, we missed our limousine again!" cracks Mark.
So as Snow Patrol are becoming increasingly more acquainted with life on the red carpet, do they dig or diss the Industry Gong-fests?
"In many ways I think the whole concept of music awards are a load of shite," opines Gary. "But you can't deny that Dublin has been buzzing all day and it is a fantastic thing for the city. As far as we are concerned, it's just amazing to get these little extra opportunities like doing a gig with The Charlatans."
So how did you land such a coveted slot with the Mancunian legends?
"Someone in the MTV Brand New office picked up on us and got really into it. We had already got a reasonable amount of coverage on Alternative Nation. This is a fantastic show to get landed with, as it will be broadcasted on MTV USA, which obviously reaches a huge number of people."
On October 9th last when Philomena Lynnott said those words, 'And the winner is -' how did you feel?
"Oh God! Shock, immense joy,very, very happy. Apart from the obvious bonus of getting the award, we just had an absolutely brilliant night out," enthuses Gary.
Have you already noticed any discernible difference in how people receive and treat you?
"Oh yes, totally," exclaims Mark. "It has completely opened things up. I know it is very easy to get cynical about any award ceremony, but it is honestly such a fantastic break for us. We are on a small independent label that has a good following, but it still reaches quite a limited number of people. Now there is a huge opportunity there which wouldn't be there otherwise."
After honouring MTV and touring commitments, Snow Patrol will knuckle down to complete their second album, due out next Spring. A record that will no doubt be anticipated and scrutinised far more than their Music for Polar Bears debut.
"The next record will be simultaneously louder and more beautiful" smiles Gary. "At least half the set we are playing at the minute consists of new songs which we love playing live. The new songs have more life and vitality in them. Basically, I think we are sounding much fresher."
Like any human needs oxygen, we most definitely need something fresh, inspiring and captivating. Snow Patrol might just be the ticket.
Music for Polar Bears is available now on Jeepster