- Music
- 30 May 23
St Anne's Park have released a series of rules and guidelines to help ensure all concert-goers have an enjoyable experience.
St Anne's Park is a 240 acres public park situated between Raheny and Clontarf on the Northside of Dublin. One of the county's finest amenities, St Anne's has become a go-to for public events such as golf, tennis courts, a Saturday market, a playground and at times, a concert venue.
The park will host a number of gigs over the June, such as The Lumineers, The 1975 and Lionel Richie. Before attending a concert in St Anne's Park, there are a few guidelines that Dublin County Council have asked people to abide by.
St Anne’s Park is a standing only venue and all gigs take place outdoors on grass. Always be sure to check the forecast and take into account the unreliability of Irish weather - think wellies, boots or runners, layers, raincoats/ponchos and sun cream.
Backpacks and large handbags are strictly prohibited. Remember, it's a park, so there's no cloakroom to store your items. Any bags or items left at the entrances or surrounding areas will be removed and disposed of accordingly.

Security checks will be in operation. Glass or cans, umbrellas, alcohol, garden furniture, selfie sticks, flares will not be permitted. Neither will professional cameras or cameras with a detachable lens, video cameras & audio recording devices, iPads or GoPros. A full, extensive list of prohibited items can be found here.
Make sure to prepare smartly and to allow additional time to get through security checks. Queuing is also not allowed, so if customers do turn up early they will be turned away at restricted area points around the event site.
Any instructions given by the stewards or the Gardaì are for your own safety. Be sure to obey their direction and don’t rush to exits after the concerts. There are no re-admissions to the concert. If you leave, there is no re-entry. They reserve the right to refuse admission without refund to anyone who fails to comply with these terms and conditions as agreed in advance of ticket purchase. More information can be found here.
St Anne's advise that you arrange your transport well in advance of your concert, allowing at least an extra 2 hours travel time to and from the venue. As traffic and parking delays are inevitable you are encouraged to walk, cycle and use public transport. There is no private transport pre-arranged on behalf of St Anne's - this is matter for customers to arrange in advance.
The DART and Dublin Bus are two wonderful public transport services that can be used to get to and from your gig. There is no public parking at this event – the car parks in St Anne’s are not open to the public during events. Please don't park illegally as towing and clamping are in operation. Customers are advised to use public transport to access the park.
Under 16’s must be accompanied at all times by a parent or guardian over 25, who will take full responsibility and remain with them throughout the event. There is strict age monitoring in place and unaccompanied under 16’s will be refused entry without refund.
For any requests and queries regarding accessibility, see here for details on how to get in touch. Accessible ticketholders will be contacted directly regarding accessible parking/drop off options. All accessible parking must be organised in advance.
St Anne’s Park is a residential area, so all concert goers are asked to respect the local community by not littering, not engaging in anti-social behaviour and by not parking illegally.