- Music
- 01 Jul 01
Hailing from Denton, Texas, Lift to Experience fuse tongue in cheek fire and brimstone Southern sermons with searing dynamic noisefests.
Hailing from Denton, Texas, Lift to Experience fuse tongue in cheek fire and brimstone Southern sermons with searing dynamic noisefests that would sound more at home on a Ride or My Bloody Valentine album.
The Texas Jerusalem Crossover is a raging bull of a record, always kicking against the pricks and re-appropriating the dodgy dogmas of religion into a strange and distorted rock n’ roll sanctuary.
It comes as little surprise to learn that guitarist Josh T Pearson’s father was a Southern preacher and that ‘lil Josh incurred the wrath of Denton when he first picked up the “devil’s instrument”. His primal musicianship and raw have-a-go attitude is overwhelmingly heroic and devastatingly original. It’s hard to listen to ‘Waiting To Hit’ or ‘The Ground So Soft’ without feeling nicely uncomfortable and oddly displaced.
You’d never expect a double concept album about Texas being the Promised Land to be as perversely good as this. And we can only hope that this is but the first fiery chapter.