- Music
- 08 Dec 23
President Michael D. Higgins, Johnny Depp and Nick Cave were amongst those mourning the legendary Shane MacGowan at his funeral mass in Nenagh this afternoon.
Thousands have gathered to honour Irish music icon Shane MacGowan at his funeral in Nenagh, Co. Tipperary today.
Alongside fans, friends, and family was an array of celebrities in the St Mary of the Rosary Church paying their respects.
Those in attendance included President of Ireland Michael D. Higgins and Hollywood actor Johnny Depp .
Offerings such as vinyl records, books, instruments, and other personal items were laid down by members of the congregation.

Father Pat Gilbert welcomed the world to the funeral mass.
"We welcome the world of people this great man influenced, encouraged, entertained and touched," he said.
"Your presence here is very important and a huge statement of the love and esteem we all have and had for this great man. We gather together his life, his loves, his lyric, and his light, and his music before this altar and to pray for the eternal rest of his soul."
"As teenagers, not being able to verbalise our uneasiness, displeasure, our uncomfortable assessment of what was happening all around us, we found an outlet, a channel, a conduit in the music and lyric of the day," added the chief celebrant later on in the service.
"As Brendan Behan did in prose, Shane MacGowan did in poetry. The raw, vibrant, energetic, earthy soul-filled expression gave us hope and heart and hankering."
Actor Aidan Gillen, former Sinn Féin president Gerry Adams and Depp – best man at MacGowan’s wedding - were amongst those providing readings during the service. U2 frontman Bono could not be in attendance and instead a recording of his reading was played aloud.

A host of well-known musicians from Ireland and abroad paid homage to The Pogues frontman with renditions of Irish classics and some of MacGowan’s most beloved hits.
Australian singer-songwriter Nick Cave sang 'A Rainy Night In Soho', Glen Hansard & Lisa O’Neill covered ‘Fairytale of New York’, Cáit O'Riordan sang 'A Man You Don't Meet Every Day', while MacGowan’s former Pogues bandmates in The Pogues – Jem Finer, Spider Stacy and Terry Woods among them – offered a rendition of the classic, ‘The Parting Glass’.
Imelda May, Declan O’Rourke, John Francis Flynn and Cait O’Riordan also paid their respects with musical performances.

Two eulogies were delivered, the first by the deceased’s sister, author Siobhan MacGowan and the second by his partner in life and in love, Victoria Mary Clarke
"I think Shane would have enjoyed that," said Siobhan, thanking those who played a part in her brother's life. "In January 2018, Shane received a lifetime achievement award from an Uachtaráin Michael D Higgins - and he cried", she added. "He dreamed of one day being a teller of stories and singer of songs. When the president put that award in his hands, he knew he had acheived that dream."
"Everyone who knew Shane knew how much he hated funerals," said Victoria Mary Clarke in her eulogy. "Even though he didn't like the idea of death, he was a cosmonaut - he was the kind of person who wasn't that interested in living a normal life. That exploration led to a kind of creativity which led to a creativity which would not have been possible."
After the service the coffin made its way to a private cremation service.
Shane MacGowan passed away peacefully at his home last Thursday, aged 65.
This morning, hundreds of people lined the streets of Dublin to celebrate the legendary music figure whose funeral cortege passed through the city, before making its way to Nenagh this afternoon.

Photo: Anamaria Meiu.