- Opinion
- 21 Dec 04
The Whole Hog (with a little help from his friends) reflects on 12 months in which (among others) organised and disorganised crime were on the increase, German cannibal Armin Meiwes was sentenced to eight years in prison, Cian O’Connor’s Olympic win was tainted, Bertie declared himself a socialist, and the pictures of kidnap victims pleading for their lives in Iraq terrifyingly became the images of the year.
If the defining images of previous years were the conflagration of the twin towers and the two fingers of Liam Keane in Limerick, this year it’s the blotchy image of kidnapped westerners pleading for their lives on Arab television.
When they demolished the Twin Towers it was said that they had found a way through the armour of the most technologically advanced society on earth. That was before they realised that the new technologies could themselves be harnessed. They use digital cameras and can upload from anywhere: nobody can prevent the proliferation of the images. It’s the 21st century and the internet is Al-Qaeda’s new Afghanistan.
And now they’ve appropriated reality TV, with which the west is obsessed. Instead of the cast of Big Brother, we get tragic figures bound and blindfolded and paraded to inspire our pity and our rage. The victims include Ken Bigley and Margaret Hassan, one an engineer trying to make enough to retire on and the other an Irishwoman married to an Iraqi.
Hassan had spent a generation in Iraq, had converted to Islam and was a trenchant opponent of UN sanctions. To no avail. An easy prey, she was seized, worked for as much publicity as was going and then casually despatched with a bullet in the back of the head. And the brutal bastards had the inhuman effrontery to film it for broadcast.
Elsewhere, 39 people died in February in a suicide bombing on the Moscow underground during the morning rush hour. In March there was carnage in Madrid with over 200 killed and 1,200 injured, as bombers hit commuter trains. It was enough to change the Government. In August the siege of a school in Beslan in Ossetia (near Chechnya) ended in terrible bloodshed.
It’s rough out there, like we have never known ‘rough’.
Good people are dying. Innocent people are dying. And the fear is that it will get worse before it gets better.
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