- Opinion
- 11 Apr 24
In the interview – published in full in the new issue of Hot Press – the TD claims that God will forgive all former IRA gunmen for the sins involved in committing murder.
In a combative and frequently eye-opening interview in the new issue of Hot Press (out Friday, April 12), Michael Collins TD sets out his stall for the new political party of which he is leader, the self-styled Independent Ireland.
The interview is notable for what will be perceived by many as hostile statements on immigration, including calls to ban the burqa in schools and introduce Australian-style "holding bays" for refugees who are without complete documentation. He also rejects the decision to accord Travellers the status of an ethnic minority in Ireland.
Meanwhile, in an interview that will shock many – and really must be read in full to get the complete, extraordinary run-down on the Cork South-West TD’s views – Collins also says that rapists and paedophiles should be chemically castrated and that criminals should automatically get a 25-year sentence for their third conviction. He also states that the sex industry should be legalised because sex workers are providing “services”.
In addition, Collins admits to having broken the law himself and says that he disagrees with the drink-driving limits.
The TD, whose politics are shaped by his Roman Catholicism, discusses God and doubles down on his anti-choice rhetoric on abortion – but, in a move that will surprise many, he accepts that abortion is necessary and therefore permissible in certain cases. However, he also disagrees with Roman Catholic teaching in a number of serious ways.
“We will leave readers to make their own judgement,” Hot Press editor Niall Stokes says, “but the interview with Michael Collins TD really does make for extraordinary reading, from start to finish. We have always wanted to get the detailed views of Irish politicians down, and on the record, so that people can understand fully what they are being asked to vote for, and why. I think this interview does all of that superbly. It is an example of the Hot Press Interview at its best."
On the political front, the party leader tells Jason O’Toole that he plans to run 50 candidates in the next General Election with the hope of securing 15 seats in Leinster House. He says that he would have no objection to going into coalition with Sinn Fein.
And in one of the most jaw-dropping moments in the interview he describes the late Martin McGuinness as a great Irishman and claims that God will forgive all former IRA gunmen for the sins involved in committing murder. Sticking with religion, the TD believes that God prays with his namesake Michael Collins and de Valera.

Michael Collins. Copyright Miguel Ruiz.
On his party’s ambitions, Michael Collins TD says, “I'd like to think that we could run at least 50 and be able to shape up between 12 and 15 TDs and sit around the table with our policies. I hate to say be able to wag the tail but be able to work from within the government to deliver for the people.”
On going into government with SF, Michael Collins TD states, “In my view, if the Lord is as understanding as I’ve been brought up to believe, he’ll understand that there was a time when Martin McGuinness had to lead an extreme life to bring it to where he did, but he left a country of peace. Martin McGuinness is not in hell. Martin McGuinness was a good man..”
On God and the weather Michael Collins TD says, “Don't use a big heading now: ‘Collins refutes Healy Rae!’ Danny’s a good friend of mine. I don’t think God is in charge of the weather. But God minds us from the weather – I do believe in that though.”
On the burqa, Michael Collins TD said, “I think we should ban that in fairness.” He added, “But I don't think it should be the case here. I just don't see that we should be allowing that in this country. So, I will go along the lines of the French government.”
On sex workers, Michael Collins TD said, “What do they call this? The oldest trade in the world. I think people that are trafficking these people in here need to be gone after. But some people are in difficult positions financially and they're not in one way hurting anybody. And they’re providing a service.”
On Savita Halappanavar, Michael Collins TD said, “They’re very legitimate cases. I think a medical professional has to always make a call on issues like that. When it comes to medical decisions it’s wrong for me to question a medical professional…. You must listen to medical advice. But there's about 10,000 abortions a year here – they’re not all Savita Halappanavar cases.”
On asylum seekers, Michael Collins TD said, “We need to look at other countries that have a holding bay for some of these people until we clear them. You make sure everybody that comes into your country doesn’t have a serious issue with the law in their own country. And until that’s clarified, nobody should be allowed a free run on this island.”
On crime, Michael Collins TD said, “We’re going soft on crime in this country. So yes, three strikes and you’re out. We need to start making moves in the right direction” He added, “You should be able to use a firearm and protect yourself. I think that if a person has a legally held firearm and somebody’s going to hurt or attack them, they should be allowed to use that. I hate to think you'd shoot somebody dead, but certainly there's plenty of room in the legs, or over the head to frighten the living daylights out of them.”
On the reason why he does not accept the Travelling community as an ethnic minority, Michael Collins TD said, “I don’t think we should be giving any status to anyone. They’re grand people. I don’t think we should be treating them above or below anybody in life. I don’t agree with giving them a status, or I don’t agree with taking a status from them. They are who they are.”
On drink-driving, Michael Collins TD said, “When I was young, we did foolish things. I'm talking about 18 and 19. I’ve never been one to drink too much, but you might be a pint over the limit, but that doesn’t say you’re drunk. I don't agree – and I’ll get shut down for this – in the drink-driving limits.”
Also in this six-page feature, Michael Collins TD reveals that he has received hate mail, discusses accusations of nepotism, argues that anti-immigration campaigners should be entitled to protest outside direct provisions, doubles down on his contentious views on BLM, explains why he dislikes being labelled as a racist and a right-wing politician… and there’s much, much more….
Read the full interview in the new issue of Hot Press – out Friday, April 12.