- Opinion
- 08 Dec 05
The Anti-Happiness League never went away, they just migrated from church to state.
Well, it’s good to see that the spirit of Christmas is alive and well, and a pretty Dickensian one at that. We have Michael Noonan calling for a ban on hoodies in shopping centres in Limerick. Michael McDowell wouldn’t want to be outdone, and he won’t be. He’s proposing a raft of new legislation and regulation to add to the wads of legislation and regulation that hasn’t been implemented.
Do we need the new laws, for example, on modified firearms? Or electronic tagging? It’s arguable. Some say so, but others say that all that’s needed is the full implementation of existing laws and systems.
Some say that the real problem with the Children Act (2001) is simply that it hasn’t been implemented but McDowell’s going to change it anyway. This will bring in the Anti-Social Behaviour Orders that so many were opposed to. You could say that he’s giving opponents – and that probably means you – the two fingers. He’s telling you where you can stick it.
What bothers me is that McDowell is saying what a lot of people want to hear and, like it or lump it, he’s liable to top the poll in his constituency in the next election.
And it isn’t the rugger-bugger barrister class that’ll do it for him. No, in fact in the last election, McDowell got more votes than anyone, socialists and social democrats included, in the very working class ward of Pearse Street. And will again.
Now, you can cluck all you like about that, tut-tut the implications. But facts are facts.
Politics being what they are, McDowell will get votes from the wealthy of Dublin South east for one end of his politics and from the less wealthy for the other end. He’ll take them from wherever they come and that’s show biz for ya.
Noonan’s proposal is much more lightweight. And does he include burkas? Whatever, his proposal is part of Fine Gael’s positioning of itself as the party of no-nonsense law and order. It is, of course, an appeal to the cranks and grumps as well as an invocation of the demon factor.
There are those who fear and loathe our young people. McDowell is whistling the tune and Noonan is playing it. And many agree.
For example, as I write this piece, RTE’s Prime Time is advertising an hour-long documentary on anti-social behaviour and showing, by way of explaining what is coming, footage of a car being joy-ridden to destruction.
Prime Time has not been behind the door in finding populist fears and exploiting them. And the tabloids are right there with them too. The general tenor of their comment is that young people should be neither seen nor heard and should be kept in line by whatever level of coercion is necessary.
Softies might argue that what’s needed is more skate parks, more sports facilities, more supports, more appropriate services. And they’d be right. But that cuts little ice out there in Voterville. What Joe Soap wants is more law and lots more order.
That won’t stop Joe excessing himself over the festive season, of course. Many of those who infest the airwaves and who’ll vote for McDowell and Noonan (and also for Corporal O’Dea) have also misbehaved in their time.
Many will drink too much at Christmas. They’ll get sick. They’ll get angry. They’ll let their demons out. While Irish society is preoccupied with the perceived misdemeanours of youths, much of the worst messing is actually the work of supposedly mature adults.
Do what I say, not what I do seems to be the mantra. But when it comes to law and order and to feeling safe both in your home and in the street, most people would like less saying from people like McDowell and Noonan and more doing. And by doing I don’t mean bringing in new laws that are as poorly enforced as the old laws. I mean making the bleedin’ system work.
I have some sympathy for their situation. I mean, the justice system has to work through the Health Service Executive and the Gardai… not a prospect that would fill you with hope, is it, much less good cheer?!
But five generations after Dickens wrote A Christmas Carol, many parts of Ireland are uncomfortably close to the London he portrayed. Yeah, in recent years life has improved for many. But not for all. And out there beyond the gated communities, beyond the certainties of Joe Soap and Chairman Mick, people try to find fulfilment in ways that make sense to them if not to everyone.
Before condemnation must come understanding. Christmas would be a good time to start.
Compliments of the season to you all…