- Opinion
- 29 Mar 01
The Union of Students in Ireland is under imminent threat of closure. As many will be aware, the Union has been involved in a long drawn out legal battle with SPUC, following their decision to continue to publish information regarding abortion after SPUC had successfully taken Open Door Counselling and the Wellwoman Centre to court on the same issue.
The Union of Students in Ireland is under imminent threat of closure. As many will be aware, the Union has been involved in a long drawn out legal battle with SPUC, following their decision to continue to publish information regarding abortion after SPUC had successfully taken Open Door Counselling and the Wellwoman Centre to court on the same issue. The High Court decided in favour of SPUC in their case against USI too, and their costs came to £28,935.
The case was appealed to the Supreme Court and is on the lists for the Autumn sitting. In the meantime, the Irish people voted in favour of the Rights to Travel and Information in the most recent abortion referenda. In the context, it would seem almost certain that the courts here would now find in USI's favour - and even if they didn't, on a technicality, the European Court of Human Rights would. It is against this unpromising background that SPUC have initiated proceedings to collect the £28,935 costs. If USI had the money, and enough in addition to take the case on into Europe then they could pay, content in the near certainty that this money would come flowing back at a later date. But USI do not have the money - and SPUC are, apparently, insisting that the sheriff should seize their goods in order to realise as much of the costs as possible.
It is an expensive and unpleasant process and to invoke it seems bloody-minded in the extreme on SPUC's part, given that the appeal is so close to being heard - the logical inference being that it is their intention to crush the opposition before that appeal can go ahead.
Against that backdrop, the Student Support Trust has been formed. The objective is to raise £30,000, which will be used to guarantee the future of Students Unions in Ireland, whether or not SPUC succeed in their efforts to seize USI's goods . . .
USI were courageously fighting the good fight when others either couldn't or wouldn't. What's more, their stance has subsequently been vindicated by the Irish people in a referendum. It would take only 1,000 donations of £30 each to generate the required funds, a level of support which is, I feel, the least they deserve. As a member of the board of trustees, I would emphasise that every donation, no matter how small is welcome - but I would also urge the big spenders to lend their support.
The Bank Account details are as follows: STUDENT SUPPORT TRUST A/C 88271085, AIB Bank (Sort Code 93-10-55), 10/11 Lower O'Connell Street, Dublin 1. Dig deep.
• Niall Stokes