- Pics & Vids
- 11 May 16
Write Here, Write Now prize-giving ceremony in attendance of the Lord Mayor of Dublin Críona Ní Dhálaigh, competition judges Lia Mills and Christine Dwyer Hickey and Hot Press editor Niall Stokes. 42 finalist from all over Ireland travelled up to Dublin for the ceremony today.
IRELAND. Dublin. 11th May 2016 "Write Here, Write Now" prize-giving ceremony taking part at The Mansion House in attendance of the Lord Mayor of Dublin Críona Ní Dhálaigh, competition judges Lia Mills and Christine Dwyer Hickey and Hot Press editor Niall Stokes. 42 finalist from all over Ireland travelled up to Dublin for the ceremony today.
This Hot Press initiative forms part of Ireland 2016, the state programme to mark the events of the 1916 Rising and is a major national writing competition run in association with Two Cities One Book, with the support of Paperblanks.